Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year's Resolutions - Weight Loss or What?

Every year millions of Americans make the same resolution to lose weight. In fact, weight loss is the most frequently declared resolution and mostly from women. Within these millions of determined folks out there are just a small minority who will actually be successful in losing a measurable amount weight. Most will simply try one thing, diet, pill or program for awhile, then will give up. It happens every year.

So we all know men make the weight loss promise too, but just for the purpose of staying on tight focus, let's talk only about the women here. I have been one of the guys on the list several years ago, and for more years than I want to know. However, since I am a guy and this blog is about women's health, you know who I am going to talk about.

Women make up the majority of New Year's Resolutionists for weight loss, and consequently, they also have the biggest percentage of success stories as well. This is logical since more of them enter into the resolution in the first place. Moreover, women are more keenly observant about their weight all the time, making them the divergent group with the most enthusiasm on the subject.

Failure is not hard to come by here. Most fail, but that is due to a lack of planning and purpose, not desire. Women need a very strong emotional foundation to be successful. Men usually do not. Women want to look good no matter how young or old they are. Men generally give up on vanity in their early 50s. Women never give it up, never!

There are several great weight loss deals out there. Some work well, and have big followings. Many are fly by night, with no chance of working. What makes sense and how can a woman know which to choose from? Why does one program work for some women, while it does not work for others? How does a woman find the right weight loss system?

I say the word of recommendation is the strongest variable in this battle. Women need proof, testimonials and lots of information. They want details and variables to cover their individual style, health conditions and physical challenges. One diet fits all, but it has to be a diet with all the other values and conditions worked in.

From my perspective the one program that works the best is Nutrisystem. It has the proof in many real testimonials. There are many details about the program on the website, and it is full of variables to cover all the differing types of women and their respecive needs. I have been touting Nutrisystem for about a decade, so I know it works for many many women. Since this company is pretty big, it gets it's share of negative comments, but overall the positive reviews and comments seem to overwhelm the negative ones.

Give Nutrisystem a visit and try to gather as much informtaion as possible before commiting to it. I never recommend just signing up and jumping in without research.  The website is full of so much useful information that you will find the answers you are looking for.  Search on the engines for reviews too, and evaluate the overall reaction and results you find there.  I think Nutrisystem will be your diet.  I do recommend staying on the diet for several months (6 or more) to really see the best results.

Why be one of the "failed resolutionists"?  Visit    N U T R I S Y S T E M

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