Thursday, August 30, 2012

ArthroZyme Plus Supplement for Joints and Muscles from Nutri-Health

ArthroZyme Plus Joint and Muscle Formula

ArthroZyme Plus is specifically designed to target the exact causes of pain and neutralize them at the source. 

Read The Reviews Here

•   Reduce inflammation and stiffness
•   Shut down the enzyme destroying your cartilage
•   Switch off your pain triggers
•   Increase flexibility, mobility and healthy joint movement

ArthroZyme Plus ingredients

Boswellia 5-Loxin (Boswellia 10X) contains a unique, ten-times concentrated form of the most active pain-fighting boswellic acid available. That means it works ten times harder than other boswellia extracts to zero in on two major sources of pain and inflammation.

Research shows Boswellia 10X is a powerful weapon against 5-LOX – a key enzyme in the inflammatory cascade associated with pain and stiffness. It also protects your cartilage from destruction by reducing production of a damaging enzyme called MMP3 that collects in the fluid surrounding your joints. In studies, 250 mg. of boswellia 10X – the same amount in ArthroZyme Plus – was so effective that it reduced MMP3 and improved joint function, pain and mobility in just 7 days!

Serrapeptase starts working immediately to eliminate two more causes of inflammation and stiffness – fibrin and bradykinin. Both of these compounds race to damaged tissue and may build up over time. If they don’t clear out naturally, fibrin and bradykinin can accumulate in joints and other common injury sites, which results in restricted joint motion, pain, swelling, inflammation and stiffness. The scientifically proven dose of 10 mg. of serrapeptase in Arthrozyme Plus targets the build-up of these compounds to keep your joints and muscles operating freely, without pain or swelling.

Bromelain also helps to stop fibrin from building up in the bloodstream and being deposited into joints and damaged tissue. Plus, research shows that 200 to 400 mg. of bromelain daily can minimize inflammation, and improve stiffness and mobility. Our fast-acting formula contains 400 mg. of bromelain.

Vitamin D3 is another winner when it comes to maintaining healthy cartilage. Researchers have discovered people with insufficient vitamin D levels have lower volumes of knee cartilage. However, when vitamin D levels are increased, positive changes occur in the cartilage volume. ArthroZyme Plus contains 1000 IU of vitamin D3 to boost your protection against loss of cartilage.

Zinc may be able to help if you have painful pressure points in your body. These are specific areas that hurt when pressure is applied. Higher levels of zinc are associated with fewer of these tender points throughout the body. Recent research indicates zinc may also help regulate certain pain receptors known as NR2A NMDA which affect pain sensing neurons in the cent
ral nervous system. Zinc helps to reduce pain response by dulling the way these receptors react to painful stimuli. The 15 mg. of zinc in ArthroZyme Plus provides greater muscle comfort and flexibility.

This incredibly fast-acting formula will turn down the enzymes that cause pain... shield your cartilage from destruction and target inflammation at its source.

Once you start taking ArthroZyme Plus you’ll be surprised at how much easier it will be join friends for an active night out on the town, spend time playing with the grandkids or getting back into your favorite sport. Dance, play, run! It’s your life and you CAN live it the way you want. 

See All Nutri-Health Supplements Here


$10 Off ArthroZyme Plus, the most powerful joint relief supplement! (enter code at checkout). Coupon Code: APSEPT10


Monday, August 06, 2012

Affects of Weight Gain on the Body

Seems like a no-brainer doesn't it?  Overweight affects the body in some negative ways.  No one, even those of us who fight the pounds, will argue that point. But, in what ways?  What areas of the body are affected besides the "chubby parts"?  Most of us would declare first, the heart. Of course, there is so much in the news about the heart, but there are some other areas which you might not have given a thought about, which are also affected by overweight.  Here they are.

Guest Article from 

(reprinted here with full permission)

8 Parts of Your Body Most Affected by Weight Gain

  1. Brain

    For a host of reasons, weight gain can affect the brain. Overweight people are more likely to suffer from depression, and weight gain can produce changes in brain volume that affect quality of life. The obese are also at a significantly higher risk for strokes.
  2. Heart

    Packing on the pounds also packs on the risk of heart disease. And there’s a good chance you are: the American Heart Association reports that between 60% and 70% of American adults are overweight, and almost 32% of children. High cholesterol, often a sister condition of obesity, also increases risk of heart attack.
  3. Joints

    Weight gain increases pressure on your joints. Rapid weight gain can put abnormal stress on the knee, for example, and arthritis and osteoporosis can be more common in the obese. Overweight people are also more likely to be sedentary, reducing their likelihood of proper flexibility.
  4. Pancreas

    A sudden weight gain might be a sign of diabetes, a metabolic disease that affects insulin response and regulation through the pancreas. Other symptoms of diabetes include blurred vision, numbness in extremities, and slowly healing flesh wounds.
  5. Blood Stream

    Commonly comorbid with obesity is a host of issues related to blood: high blood pressure, high triglyceride level, and clogged arteries among them. The heart must work harder to keep the inflated body alive. Make sure your blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol levels are all in the healthy range for optimum longevity.
  6. Skin

    Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and everyone gets stretch marks. You’re not alone in your woes, but the marks that come with your skin stretching to accommodate excess weight can be a depressing visual reminder of weight gain, whether associated with inactivity or pregnancy. If you’ve been sedentary or overeating, let the marks be the first and last sign of unhealthy choices.
  7. Reproductive System

    If you’ve gained weight due to steroids use, it probably hasn’t been in your crotch. Lay off the juice, people. Use of anabolic steroids to foster rapid muscle growth can lead to atrophy of the testicles in men and shrinking of the breasts in women. Weight gain from steroid use also stresses the heart.
  8. Liver

    Rapid weight gain can also affect the liver. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a severe medical problem with few unique symptoms. The overweight and obese should watch for swelling of the legs (called edema) and stomach, as well as confusion and esophageal bleeding. The liver, as do many organs and body parts, responds well to weight reduction of even 10%. Every little bit counts!


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