Sunday, June 26, 2011
Bloodroot Root ( Sanguinaria canadensis ) Powder
"BloodRoot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is Emetic cathartic expectorant and emmenagogue, and of great value in atonic dyspepsia, asthma, bronchitis and croup. (The taste is so nauseating, that it may cause expectorant action.)
Sanguinaria root is chiefly used as an expectorant for chronic bronchitis and as a local application in chronic eczema, specially when secondary to varicose ulcers.
Of value in pulmonary consumption, nervous irritation and helpful in lowering high pulse, and in heart disease and weakness and palpitation of heart of great use. In toxic doses, it causes burning in the stomach, intense thirst, vomiting, faintness vertigo, intense prostration with dimness of eyesight.
The root has long been used by the American Indians as a dye for their bodies and clothes and has been used successfully by American and French dyers." - Grieve's classic 'A Modern Herbal'.
Usage: 1 tsp. 2 to 3 times a day depending on condition.
Brand: Alternative Health & Herbs Remedies
Bloodroot Root ( Sanguinaria canadensis ) Powder - 4 oz. Bulk
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